State planning information system
State Planning
Information System
(Budget Planning)


Call Center: 8 (7172) 91-94-44


The information system of state planning (budget planning) (hereinafter referred to as the ISSP) is intended to provide information support to the activities of the authorized body and is aimed at creating an effective mechanism to help solve problems in the field of budget planning.


Full automation of the budget planning procedure in terms of automation of budget application formation of state bodies excluding paper workflow.


  • maintaining a unified budget classification using new methods and principles;
  • centralized management of coefficients and standards necessary for calculating the costs of each state body;
  • centralized formation and bringing of spending limits and limits on new initiatives to each state body;
  • centralized formation of staff schedule's forecast for three years planning period;
  • centralized formation of budget applications from costs origins with automatic consolidation at higher levels;
  • attachment of explanatory documents and justifications to each type of expenses;
  • centralized access to data for higher levels at any stage of budget formation;
  • automated formation of conclusions on budget applications of budget programs' administrators;
  • automated procedures for the preparation of conclusions of the working body for consideration at RBC;
  • automated procedure for balancing income and expenses and the formation of a project Law on RB;
  • automated generation of analytical and regulatory reporting;
  • paperless workflow on account of electronic digital signature mechanisms at each stage of budget formation and, as a result, reduction in the period of budget formation and approval.

Work accomplished

As part of the execution of the Plan for the implementation of the project “Development of the State Planning Information System (Budget Planning)” (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), approved by the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan RS Ensebaev, developed as part of the execution of the protocol order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13 2017 on the issues of informatization of the Government and the transition to paperless workflow, as well as the implementation of paragraph 50 of the Digitalization Plan of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the provision of public services g state agencies and businesses, the following actions were carried out in 2019:

  • Training of more than 250 BPA employees in the use of new functionality;
  • Created a unified technical support for users by multi-channel phone number +7 (7172) 91-94-44;
  • Replication and implementation of the ISSP for all central government bodies with access to the Internet at, which successfully completed the input of data on the formation of the republican budget for 2019-2022 in electronic format;
  • 1The UBC has been updated in accordance with the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2014 No. 403 “Some Issues of the Unified Budget Classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, based on updates of April 18, 2019;
  • Connected about 4000 users, more than 1000 SI, 35 BPA.


  1. On January 5, 2023, the system was put into production operation;
  2. Implementation of the "Government Reserve" module to automate the process of allocating funds from the Government Reserve;
  3. Implementation of the "Informatization Expenses" module for the preparation, review, and approval of requests for the procurement of goods, works, and services in the field of informatization for the upcoming planning period, with obtaining a conclusion on the calculation of expenses.
  1. Implementation of the "State Investment Projects" module to enable the formation of investment proposals, review, and approval of investment projects;
  2. Implementation of the "Transfers" module to automate interbudgetary relations.
  • Development of the Information System for State Planning (Stage II), including:
  1. development of the "Projected consolidated financial statements" module (2nd stage);
  2. development of the "State Investment Projects" new module in terms of functionality for automating the processes of filling in and correcting forms of SPP passports, their approval and transfer to the budget application;
  3. implementation of integrations with other information systems of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as with GВB of legal entities and IS of State Expertise;
  • Modification of the functionality of the "Strategic planning" subsystem according to the "National projects", "Development Concept", "Development Plan of State Bodies", "Regional Development Program" modules;
  • Conducting a pilot in the "Strategic Planning" subsystem;
  • Training of 441 employees of the BPA and their structural subdivisions on the use of the functionality of the "Strategic Planning" subsystem of the IS SP (BP) (300), according to the module "FIFP" (141);
  • Modification of the functionality of the "Budget application", "Balancing", "Staffing" and "RBC" modules.
  • Development of the Information System for State Planning (Stage I);
  • Creation of new modules: Open budgets, Formation and improvement of financing plans, Projected consolidated financial statements;
  • Subsystem: Strategic planning.
  • Modernization of SPIS taking into account new requirements;
  • Replication to all central public authorities;
  • Modification of the SPIS functionality following the replication results;
  • Preparation of the budget for the maintenance of the updated version of the SPIS and implementation in the republican state institutions;
  • About 4000 users were connected to the System, more than 1000 SEs and 35 BPAs.
  • Commissioning of the System on the Open Source platform (DBMS on Postgre SQL);
  • Maintenance and administration of the system;
  • Pilot operation of the updated System (version 2.0, as part of the exclusion of paperwork);
  • Preparing the regulatory framework for the transition to paperless budget planning.
  • Testing and certification of SPIS for compliance with information security requirements;
  • Putting SPIS into commercial operation on the Oracle platform;
  • Total number of system users - 260 users and 30 participating government agencies.
Creation, maintenance, administration of the SPIS system was carried out on the Oracle platform.