Electronic government procurement
State information system providing a single point of access to electronic services of electronic government procurement.


Website: goszakup.gov.kz
Instruction: goszakup.gov.kz/wiki
FAQ: wiki
Forum: forum.ecc.kz
Call Center: +7 (7172) 95-47-15
E-mail: support@ecc.kz

«Electronic government procurement» IS

The automated integrated information system «Electronic Government Procurement» (e-GP) is intended for conducting e-GP in real time. The system provides for the conclusion of electronic contracts on the needs of customers for the supply of goods, works, services, their consolidation, procurement procedures, the definition of a supplier, the publication of information on contracts concluded and the results of their execution on the e-GP portal.


Realization of the e-GP in real-time to ensure transparency and efficiency government spending.


  • to reduce budget expenditures for the purchase of goods and services;
  • to integrate procedures for creating and placement of state orders;
  • to reduce the costs of public procurement procedures;
  • to create equal conditions and options to foster competition among suppliers of products;
  • to give quick access to the accumulated information;
  • to significantly reduce paperwork;
  • to increase transparency and openness of the e-GP process;
  • to reduce the number of violations in the e-GP.

System functions

  • registration of participants in the e-GP;
  • public procurement planning;
  • collection of information on e-GP;
  • e-GP, including the exchange of electronic documents between customer and potential supplier;
  • providing information on planned, conducted and implemented public procurements through the e-GP web portal;
  • collection and publication statistics;
  • publication of information on e-GP legislation and other related to it information;
  • submission and publication of information included in the registers of public procurement.


The main advantages of e-GP are:

  • An effective way to decrease corruption;
  • Budget savings;
  • Convenience;
  • Equal conditions and options for competition;
  • Supporting domestic entrepreneurship.

Methods of procurement

Price Proposals is the simplest method, in which the decisive criterion for choosing a winner is the lowest price for a product, work or service offered by a potential supplier.

Tender is a method in which, in addition to the price of goods or work or services, other criteria are taken into account during the course of defining the winner.

Electronic Auction is a method in which goods or work or service are purchased by Customer from a Potential Supplier who had offered the lowest price for them in the course of the online Auction.

e-GP through One-Source Method for Failed Procurements is the method of choosing supplier (contractor, performer), which stipulates that after confirming the primary purchase as failed Customer concludes a procurement contract with only one potential Supplier in the manner prescribed by law.

E-GP from a Single Source by Direct Contract conclusion is the way of choosing a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the customer proposes to conclude a contract for the purchase to only one potential supplier and only if the reason for the procurements is included in the list of reasons for implementing e-GP from a Single Source through Direct Contracting.

Competition with prequalification is carried out according to the list of goods, works, services approved by the authorized body in accordance with item 1 of Article 31 of the Law. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. at the first stage, the qualification body forms a list of qualified potential suppliers;
  2. at the second stage, the customer carries out public procurement through a tender among potential suppliers included in the list of qualified potential suppliers.

A competition using a rating-point system is a method of electronic public procurement of construction and installation works and design works, in which the human factor is completely excluded in the process of determining the winner, the system automatically determines the supplier based on integration data from various state information systems, format-logical control and criteria affecting the determination of the winner.

The competition using framework agreements is published by the unified organizers of the republican significance, the region, the city of republican significance and the capital, the district of the region, the city of regional significance, the district in the city of regional significance in the manner determined by the authorized body.

The competition using framework agreements is carried out in two stages:

  1. at the first stage, a single organizer, based on the results of centralized public procurement, enters into a framework agreement with potential suppliers that meet the qualification requirements and requirements of the tender documentation;
  2. at the second stage, customers conclude a public procurement contract with the participant of the framework agreement who offered the lowest price.

An Electronic store is a method of public procurement that is carried out for goods whose value does not exceed four thousand times the monthly calculation index established for the corresponding fiscal year by the law on the Republican budget. Public procurement through the electronic store is carried out in real time. Procurement by means of an electronic store is carried out on the site of an electronic store for public procurement OMarket.kz . The electronic store automatically compares the price offers of potential suppliers and sends the order to the potential supplier whose product price is the lowest, taking into account the cost of delivering the goods to the destination.

According to the government procurement web portal there are:

  • 477 976 registered users on the portal for 2023
  • 120 thousand active potential suppliers in 2023
  • 24 thousand of government customers
  • 1 785 195 of invitations placed in 2023
  • KZT 6,6 trl. of annual volume of procurements for 2023
  • KZT 850 bln. of budgetary savings for 2023
  • 1 826 078 of contracts signed in 2023


Adoption of a new law on public procurement
The new platform of the government procurement portal is put into operation
  • New platform developed in accordance with the requirements of the new legislation - a new edition of the Law on "Government Procurement" and the new Rules on the implementation of public procurement, which were enacted from January 1, 2016.
  • transition to software solutions Open Source;
  • reduction of budget expenditures;
  • the new platform has allowed to unite the sites of the "Request for quotations" and "Tenders and auctions" into one with a single authentication and hierarchy of rights and roles.
Launching the Electronic Contracts Module
Industrial operation of the electronic contest module and trial operation of the electronic auction.
Experienced operation of the electronic contest module and "pilot" operation of the electronic auction.
Adoption of the Rules of Electronic Government Procurement in the Way of the Competition
  • Automation of the competition process;
  • Formalization of competitive procedures;
  • Increasing the responsibility of the members of the competitive commission.

"Pilot" operation of the electronic contest module and the industrial operation of the electronic procurement module in the manner of requesting price proposals;

Amendments to the Law "On Government Procurement" in terms of improving the electronic competition and shortening the terms of competitive procedures.

Amendments to the Law on "Government Procurement"

Amendments to the Law "On Government Procurement" in terms of improving the electronic competition and shortening the terms of competitive procedures. Development of electronic auction (organized electronic auction).

Experienced operation of the module of electronic procurements by the method of requesting quotations
  • Signing a Memorandum between the Ministry of Finance and customers on holding 50% of all procurements by requesting quotations in electronic format;
  • Training in electronic public procurement;

Development of the electronic competitions module.

Amendments to the Law on "Government Procurement"

Introduction of the concepts "electronic public procurement" and "web portal of public procurement";

  • Creation of a Single Operator in the field of electronic public procurement with the definition of the Law by its competence along with the Government and the Authorized body in the field of public procurement;
  • Commissioning of the public procurement web portal and the "Pilot" operation of the electronic procurement module in the manner of requesting quotations.
Adoption of a new law on public procurement
  • Definition of 5 ways of procurement, with the possibility of holding 3 of them: a tender, quotations and from one source using information systems and electronic document circulation;
  • Formation of procurement registers;
  • Two-stage holding of competitive procedures.