Integrated automated information system «e-Minfin» (hereinafter - the System, e-MF) intends for complex automation (business processes) of MF RK on state functions execution and state services provision.
The system supports a unified information and technological infrastructure in financial management of the RK, created by integrating information resources of the MF RK and its committees into a unified centralised information system with a single configuration and ensuring safe and reliable access to its applications and resources.
«e-Minfin» IAIS aims at creating a qualitatively new, manageable IT architecture of MoF RK and increasing transparency and efficiency in each area of activity of MoF RK and its committees.
Expansion and development of the "e-Government", i.e., creation of a new component of the «e-Minfin» IAIS for complex automation of administrative procedures for execution of state functions and provision of state services by the MF RK and its structural subdivisions.
- ensuring the reliability of «e-Minfin» IAIS data through integration with e-Government components;
- eliminate function duplication in information systems and data flows between the committees and the central office of MF RK;
- guarantee qualitative and prompt information, interactive and transactional services for the public, businesses and government agencies;
- reduce costs for maintenance and management of the entire information structure;
- create a flexible information system - with a high degree of adaptability to changes in the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, without requiring significant costs;
- improve the quality of management decisions and the efficiency of control in budgetary resources and public finance management;
- improve management efficiency and reduce unproductive costs;
- increase the efficiency of public services for the population and the business community.
State benefits
- Promptness and increased efficiency of interaction between government agencies
All related budget management processes have been transferred to electronic format and centralised, making interdepartmental interaction more efficient. - Quality and reliability
Automatic consolidation of information eliminates the "human mistake factor"; - Savings
Reduced costs and labour for collecting and consolidating a large number of reports
Benefits for population and business
- Reducing administrative barriers and improving the efficiency and quality of service delivery by the Ministry of Finance of the RK and its structural subdivisions;
- Electronic accreditation of auditors, obtaining licences within the competence of the MF RK, etc;
- Ability to create new electronic services, such as electronic auctions for real estate of insolvent debtors, etc.;
- Online access to information on the country's budget execution.
- 200 forms of financial statements
- 50 automated features of Ministry of Finance
- 23 thousand - number of registered users of Ministry of Finance
E-Minfin draft state support measures (SSM)
Sub-subject monitoring system for state support measures is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of state (financial) support measures to business entities. Assessment is performed in accordance with the Methodology for analysing the efficiency of the implementation of state support measures on budgetary, financial, economic and socio-economic efficiency.
As an information and analytical tool, the system consolidates statistical information on business entities, productivity, efficiency (fiscal, financial and economic, socio-economic), e-invoicing, exports and imports.
The system allows evaluating the effectiveness of state support measures in terms of state programs (Nurly Zhol, BRM, SPIID, LA, Economy of Simple Things, Joint Action Plan, AIC Development, ERM (COVID-19), Employment).
Main functional structure of the System e-Minfin Integrated Automated Information
Main functions of the RMS/FP subsystem:
- Financial control implementation;
- Maintaining internal public audit records;
- Maintaining the records of the electronic internal public audit;
- Maintaining files for the internal public audit services;
- Quality control;
- Risk analysis server;
- Setting up the risk assessment process;
- Financial Control Planning;
- Reporting.
This function fulfils the following main objectives for establishing and implementing the RMS/FP:
- improving the planning quality of activities concerning internal state financial control;
- online feedback with the audited entity;
- ability to simultaneously conduct audits at several audit entities;
- corruption risks minimisation, exclusion of direct contact with the audited object;
- reduction of travelling expenses;
- automation of risk assessment processes, formation of the public audit list and performance of public audit inspections;
- increasing transparency in internal public financial control;
- implementation of a tool supporting management decision-making;
- improving the quality management of the activities of territorial subdivisions by the Internal State Audit Committee;
- focusing control only on entities that may cause risk in the controlled area;
- Increasing the control and monitoring coverage of facilities;
- reduction of budgetary expenditures on financial control;
- improving the efficiency of financial control.
Main functions of the HR subsystem:
- HR records;
- monitoring of government employees;
- reduction of labour and time costs for updating information;
- maintaining MF RK organizational structure;
- providing human resources and management with effective operational reporting and analysis tools;
- payrolling;
- travel expense calculation.
1) Summary of periodic and annual accounting statements on the performance of MF RK financing plan:
- input and storage of primary and interim financial documents;
- end-to-end control over the passage of state budget funds through the sectoral vertical;
- maintaining state budget classifiers;
- accounting of the organization’s fixed assets;
- procurement and accounting of material assets;
- settle in foreign currency;
- accounting support in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2) Keeping daily accounting records and monitoring the financing plan:
- forming a unified information base for primary accounting documents processing;
- maintenance of analytic accounting in the context of specifics and sources of financing;
- support of all necessary business transactions;
- collection, storage and saving of analytical and synthetic data on accounting transactions;
- analysing the results of operations.
3) Integration with IIST in data exchange on plans, contracts, invoices for payment, reporting, etc.
Main functions of the legislative subsystem:
- keeping records of incoming judicial and enforcement documents, regular replenishment of the movement of cases (temporary execution, extension, final execution);
- control over the execution of judicial and executive documents;
- search for documents according to the data of the claimant (collector), by date of receipt, by date of execution, by the name of the courts, by the object of the claim (type of offense);
- making report.
Main functions of SLC subsystem:
- planning, servicing and repayment of budget loans;
- accounting for issued special government securities on the domestic market;
- monitoring of receipt, repayment and servicing of government loans;
- monitoring of government obligations under a public-private partnership agreement;
- registration of contracts for budget credits, loans and PPPs;
- reporting on public debt;
- ensuring that debt obligations are accounted for by government requirements arising from budgetary lending.
Main functions of Consolidation subsystem:
adjust rules and deadlines for submission, rules for comparison and consolidation of statements; setting of mutually repayable operations - operations performed during the formation of the state budget and the regional budget, and reports on execution, related to the elimination of transfer amounts, budget loans and other money transferred from one level of the budget to another, to avoid double counting; provision of the following consolidated and separate statements by state institutions, administrators of budget programmes, and authorised bodies for budget execution: - financial statement;
- budgetary reporting;
- report on the accounts payable and receivables;
- reporting on the execution of budgets;
- report on the flow of money at the control account of cash of NF;
- reporting on monitoring the implementation of the revenue side of the republican budget;
- reporting on monitoring the implementation of budget programs, budget investment projects, targeted transfers;
approval by the authorized bodies for budget execution and administrators of budget programmes of the relevant reporting data; consolidation of statements, including accounting for documents of mutually repayable transactions. Main functions of AC are reporting:
- reports on the execution of the revenue and expenditure sides of the state budget;
- receivables and payables from budgetary and other funds;
- on the flow of money to the CAC NF RK;
- reports for international statistical organizations and other organizations;
- reports for formation of statistical bulletin of MF RK;
- reports on paid services;
- reports on the receipt and expenditure of money from charitable and sponsorship donations;
- reports for monitoring of inter-budget relations of the RK.
ESB subsystem implements the following functions:
- information Interaction of the Integrated Information System of Treasury of the Treasury committee of the MF of RK and the Information Exchange System of Law enforcement and Special Bodies of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the state office of public prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan (IISK - SIO SIG);
- information interaction between «Electronic Government Procurement» AIS of MF RK and the information system NDB «e-Licensing» of the Ministry of Justice of RK (AIS EGP - NDB EL);
- interaction of «e-Minfin» IAIS of MF of RK with the e-Government gateway of MIC of RK for the purpose of integration with the «Individuals» National database of MJ of RK (e-Minfin – I NDB);
- interaction of «e-Minfin» IAIS of MF of RK with the e-Government gateway of MIC of RK for the purpose of integration with the «Legal Entities» National database of MJ of RK (e-Minfin – LE NDB);
- information interaction between «e-Minfin» IAIS of MF RK and e-Statistics IIS of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of RK (at the moment of implementation the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics) (e-Statistics - e-Minfin);
- information interaction between the Execution of the state budget in terms of state borrowing and lending subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS and the automated information system of the Central Securities Depository JSC;
- information interaction of Execution of the government budget subsystem in terms of government borrowing and lending subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS and Module of interaction of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC automated information system with KASE trade mark (GBL - KASE);
- information interaction between «e-Minfin» IAIS (Management of human resources potential, formation and submission of reports on the personnel composition of the MF RK subsystem) and E-Kyzmet information system (Personnel - E-Kyzmet);
- information interaction between the «e-Minfin» IAIS of the MF RK and the Maintaining Regulatory and Reference Information in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan automated information subsystem of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (e-Minfin - AIS NB RK);
- information interaction between the «e-Minfin» IAIS (Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem) of the MF of the RK and the of the Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republican Budget IIS (e-Infin - IIS AC);
- information interaction between the «e-Minfin» IAIS (Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem) of the MF RK and the e-Government Payment Gateway automated system of MDDIAI RK (e-Minfin - EGPG);
- information interaction of Data storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS with Social Assistance of the MLSPP of RK information system;
- information interaction of the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS with the Unified Normative and Reference Information information subsystem of E-Government of MDDIAI RK web-portal;
- information interaction of the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS with Registrar Information System information system of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of transferring;
- information interaction between the Licensing of Audit Activity subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS and the Unified Insurance Database of the Government Credit Bureau JSC automated information system;
- information interaction between the Financial Control. Risk management subsystem of «e-Minfin» IAIS and the Unified register of subjects and objects of inspections of CLSSASO PP of RK information system;
- information interaction between the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of the «e-Minfin» IAIS and the National Gateway of the Republic of Kazakhstan information system of Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- information interaction between the Management of human resources potential, formation and submission of reports on the personnel composition of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan subsystem and the Civil Status Record information system of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan «e-Minfin» IAIS and the Civil Status Records information system of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- information interaction between the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of the «e-Minfin» IAIS and the Unified Automated Information and Telecommunication System of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- information interaction between the Management of human resources potential, formation and submission of reports on the personnel composition of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan" subsystem and the Monitoring of civil servants information system of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of «e-Minfin» IAIS;
- information interaction between the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of IAIS «e-Minfin» and the Web Portal of the Authorised Body for Regulation, Control and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organisations information system (FINSEC.KZ IS) of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market;
- information interaction between the Data Storage, including NRD and Historical Data Archive subsystem of IAIS «e-Minfin» and the information system of the akimat of Pavlodar region.
Main functions of DW are:
- the possibility of conveniently obtaining data in the context of the required indicators (data showcase);
- ensuring unified management and presentation of regulatory and reference information for the Ministry within the scope of the E-Minfin project;
- RD management is performed only in the part of RD that is common for all departments (committees) of the MF RK, i.e., specific directories of Committees and departments that are not duplicated in other systems are not included in RD management;
- unified presentation of operational and analytical data within individual MF RK Committees;
- storage and submission of analytical data (and operational data if necessary) from the Committees to the MF RK;
- ensuring consistency of data used for decision-making in the MF RK;
- optimizing information flows, improving relevance and credibility.
Main functions of the Web-portal subsystem:
- enabling users of the «e-Minfin» IAIS to self-register using the certificate of the NCA RK;
- authentication and authorization on the Web-portal using NCA RK certificate;
- user authentication and authorization at a single-entry point of the «e-Minfin» IAIS subsystems.
The integrated automated information system «E-Minfin», according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Informatisation", has passed certification examination for compliance with information security requirements as part of putting into commercial operation. Based on the results of the survey, the «e-Minfin» information system received the Certificate of conformity of the information system to the information security requirements and standards adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 184.2015.149.
Based on the received Certificate, the «e-Minfin» information system entered into commercial operation by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 127 dated 16 March 2016.